Third Party Evaluator
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health will provide a third-party evaluation of Prevent 2 Protect over the five-year pilot period and work closely with the Hub team to develop evaluation metrics and report on the Project’s accomplishments. The Harvard evaluation will assess outcomes, inform potential statewide implementation, and contribute to the body of knowledge regarding school violence prevention.
Lead Evaluator
Dr. Testa is a Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics. As an experienced public health practitioner, health outcomes researcher, evaluator, biostatistician, and the current Co-Director of the Harvard T.H. Chan EPREP program, for the past 30 years Dr. Testa has worked closely with federal, state, county, regional and local public health, community and government authorities. She previously served as the Head of the Evaluation Core for the CDC-sponsored, Harvard Academic Center for Public Health Preparedness, and as a Co-Investigator within the Harvard Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Center (PERRC) leading several national committees in bioterrorism, disaster planning and operations. She also was the Principal Investigator and Director of the Harvard Chan Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center (PERLC) between 2010 and 2016 working on the development of competency-based instructional development and evaluation and leading several national committees focused on public health and emergency preparedness curriculum development, training and tools. She has been the Director of the Harvard MPH Program in Quantitative Methods for nearly 30 years, mentoring over 1,200 student research projects. She is currently President of the Massachusetts Association of Health Boards working with 351 BOHs and 329 health departments. Full Bio & CV