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Directors Present at NTAC

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Prevent 2 Protect directors were invited by the U.S. Secret Service to present at the Threat Assessment and Management Conference alongside other renowned threat assessment specialists. They presented "Managing High-Risk Adolescents in Community Contexts" which highlights the Paw Paw case study...
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Launch of Prevent 2 Protect

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Prevent 2 Protect was debuted at the MSU Department of Psychiatry’s Enzer Endowed Lecture series as a collaborative project between Michigan State University and Safe and Sound Schools. Presenters included Safe and Sound Schools co-founder and executive director Michele Gay and...
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Community Presentations

“A Cross-Systems Approach to the Prevention of Adolescent Targeted Violence in the K-12 School Setting.” Osteopathic Medical Education Conference 2024. American Osteopathic Association. San Antonio, TX. September 20, 2024. Ley

“A Cross-Systems Approach to the Prevention of Adolescent Targeted Violence in the K-12 School Setting.” National Trauma Journalism Symposium. Trust for Trauma Journalism. Webinar. September 19, 2024. Ley/Murphy/Sosebee

“A Cross-Systems Approach to the Prevention of Adolescent Targeted Violence in the K-12 School Setting.” Summer Institute 2024. Michigan Association of Administrators of Special Education. Traverse City, MI. August 12, 2024. Ley/Murphy/Dobis/Unger

“Threat Assessments: What Prosecutors Should Know.” 2024 Annual Elder Justice Summit. Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan. Webinar. July 23, 2024. Ley/Murphy/Sosebee

A Cross-Systems Approach to the Prevention of Adolescent Targeted Violence in the K-12 School Setting.” 2024 Annual Conference. School-Community Health Alliance of Michigan. Boyne Falls, MI. June 25, 2024. Ley/Murphy

“A Cross-Systems Approach to the Prevention of Adolescent Targeted Violence in the K-12 School Setting.” School Safety Summit. Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators. Crowne Plaza Hotel. Lansing, MI. April 30, 2024. Ley/Murphy

“Managing High-Risk Adolescents In a Community Context.” MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. CME Series. Seminar in the Sun 2024. Punta Cana, DR. February 29, 2024. Ley

“Targeted Violence and the Adolescent Brain: A Developmental Perspective.” MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. CME Series. Seminar in the Sun 2024. Punta Cana, DR. February 27, 2024. Ley

“Trauma-Related Disorders.” MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. CME Series. Seminar in the Sun 2024. Punta Cana, DR. February 26, 2024. Ley

“Michigan State University at the Forefront of Targeted Violence Prevention.” Day Remembrance Conference. Michigan State University. College of Osteopathic Medicine. Kellogg Center. East Lansing, MI. February 12, 2024. Ley

“Prevent 2 Protect: Adolescent Targeted Violence Prevention Project.” Quality Summit. Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) Winter Conference. Orlando, FL. February 6, 2024. Ley/McMahon/Straub

“Prevent 2 Protect: The Adolescent Targeted Violence Prevention Project.” State of Michigan. Governor’s School Safety and Mental Commission. Lansing, MI. January 31, 2024. Ley

“Gun Violence Prevention Panel: School Safety in Michigan.” The Michigan Gun Violence Prevention Summit-2024. The University of Michigan-Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention. Webinar. January 30, 2024. Ley

“Managing High-Risk Adolescents in a Community Context.” University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry. Zoom. January 8, 2024. Ley/Straub

“Managing High-Risk Adolescents in a Community Context.” University of Michigan Department of Pediatrics. Collaborative Office Rounds. Webinar. December 4, 2023. Ley/Straub

“Managing High-Risk Adolescents in a Community Context.” Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police. Plainwell, MI. November 3, 2023. Ley

“Prevent 2 Protect: The Adolescent Targeted Violence Prevention Project.” Dallas School Safety Summit. Safe and Sound Schools. Dallas, TX. September 12, 2023. Straub

“Prevent 2 Protect: The Adolescent Targeted Violence Prevention Project.” National Threat Assessment Center. Chicago, IL. August 28, 2023. McMahon

“Management in Community Context: The Critical Next Step in the Threat Assessment Process.” Justice Clearinghouse. Webinar. August 22, 2023.

“Managing High-Risk Adolescents in Community Contexts: A Case Study of the Averted Paw Paw High School and South Haven (MI) Pier Shooting.” U.S. Secret Service Threat Assessment and Management Conference. National Threat Assessment Center. Burbank, CA August 1, 2023

“Managing High-Risk Adolescents in Community Contexts: A Case Study of the Averted Paw Paw High School and South Haven (MI) Pier Shooting.” Southeast School Safety Conference. Safe and Sound Schools. Gatlinburg, TN July 27, 2023

“Prevent 2 Protect: The Adolescent Targeted Violence Prevention Project.” West Shore ESD. Ludington, MI. June 12, 2023. Ley

“NIJ Workshop on Tertiary Prevention.” Working Group. Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Harvard University. Boston, MA. June 7, 2023. Ley

“Prevent 2 Protect: An & Approach to School Violence and Prevention.” MSU Luncheon. Michigan Policy Conference.  Detroit Chamber of Commerce. Grand Hotel. Mackinac Island, MI. June 1, 2023. Ley/Straub

“Managing High-Risk Adolescents in a Community Context.” NAMI-Michigan 2023 Annual Conference. The More We Know: Educating the Community.  Sheraton Hotel. Novi, MI. May 18, 2023. Ley/Straub

“Michigan Student Health & Wellness Workshop” Invited Participants-for work group. Michigan Department of Education. The Graduate Hotel. East Lansing, MI. May 17, 2023. Ley

“Prevent 2 Protect: The Adolescent Targeted Violence Prevention Project.” Michigan State Department of Psychiatry Enzer Endowed Lecture Series. The Graduate Hotel. East Lansing, MI. May 11, 2023. Ley/Straub

“Managing High-Risk Adolescents in Community Contexts.” Great Lakes Homeland Security Conference. DeVos Conference Center. Grand Rapids, MI May 10, 2023. Ley/Straub

“Funding Forum: Ohio K-12 School Safety Grant Program.” Round Table Discussion hosted by Securly. Webinar. April 12, 2023. Ley

The Psychiatric Impact of Cannabis.” MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. CME Series. Seminar in the Sun 2023. Puerto Vallarta. MX. March 10, 2023. Ley

The Psychiatric Effects of COVID-19.” MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. CME Series. Seminar in the Sun 2023. Puerto Vallarta. MX. March 9, 2023. Ley

“Human Trafficking and Sexual Victimization.” MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. CME Series. Seminar in the Sun 2023. Puerto Vallarta. MX. March 7, 2023. Ley

“Individual and Community Recovery.” MSU College of Human Medicine. Special Town Hall. Webinar. February 15, 2023. Ley

Finding the Confidence to Make a Difference.” Women in Leadership and Legacy (WILL). Okemos High School. Okemos, Michigan. February 3, 2023. Ley

“School Safety and Mental Health” The State of Michigan-Governor’s School Safety and Mental Health Commission Meeting. Hannah Building. Lansing, Michigan. January 25, 2023. Ley

“Psychosis.” Michigan State University- Department of Neurology: Core Lecture Series. Webinar. January 20, 2023. Ley

Health Occupations: Introduction to Psychiatry for High School Students.” Holt High SchoolHolt, Michigan. December 8, 2022. Ley

“Complex Recovery: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.” MSUCOM-Pediatric Interest Group and Emergency Medicine Interest Group. East Lansing, Michigan. November 29, 2022. Ley

“Violence in Adolescents: A Developmental Perspective” Virtual Training Session. Chatham County Strategic Planning Meeting. Georgia. Commission on Gun Violence. County Manager’s Office. Webinar. November 8, 2022 Ley/Straub

“Managing High-Risk Adolescents in Community Contexts: The South Haven Pier Shooting Case Study.” International Association of Chiefs of Police-2022, Annual Conference. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Dallas, TX. October 15-18, 2022. Ley/Straub

“Managing High-Risk Adolescents in Community Contexts: The South Haven Pier Shooting Case Study.” Ohio Attorney General’s 2022 Law Enforcement Conference, Columbus, Ohio. October 17, 2022. Ley/Straub

“A Case Study of the Averted Paw Paw High School and South Haven (MI) Pier Shooting.” MSUCOM OST 591- Medical Case Study Elective. East Lansing, Michigan. August 16, 2022  Ley/Straub

Multi-disciplinary Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention: High-risk, High-need Adolescents.” MHS Public Safety. Beyond Assessments. Educational Series. Toronto, ON-Canada. Webinar. July 27, 2022. Ley

Managing High-risk Adolescents in Community Contexts: A Case Study of the Averted Paw Paw High School and South Haven (MI) Pier Shooting.” National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)-Michigan Annual Conference. The Sheraton Hotel. Novi, Michigan. July 26, 2022. Ley

Trauma-Related Disorders.” American College of Neuropsychiatry. American Osteopathic Board of Neurology and Psychiatry. Annual Conference. Hotel Indigo. Traverse City, Michigan. July 22, 2022. Ley

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